Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The sons of deception

What makes people desire power?
We are children with no boundaries, we are just slaves to our desire and lust.
Look at the so called powerful people of this world. They are children which take whatever they desire, tell whatever needs to be told to achieve their goals.
Where is the power, who are the real powerful people.
If power means control than what is control over something that can die.
Even a simple plant that you have in your garden is outside your control.
Where is than the power?
Isn't it just illusion of power?

What makes people desire dreams?

He deceives people offering them power. But that power is only the power to create more deception and illusion.
He deceives other people to bend themselves to the ones who have the so called power.
He deceives other people to be slaves to their desire and lust or imagined needs.
He owns everything, each and every building are his house.

Pride was one of the original sins, he uses this to deceive all of us. Being pride of having something, pride of having control/power.

It attracts people by the means of secret societies, illusion of power, all the time the secret was associated with power.
The church has secrets which represent power.
Illusion there is no power in the dark only light gives power

He is so blinded by his scope, the son of deception. He master the lie so much that he deceives even himself into believing he will win.

He the descendant of Peter, who will take us all into perdition.
He has a ring on his right hand ring finger. The ring is diamond round.
He will introduce him to the world, he will give him all the riches that were prepared for him. The ground is set every true belief is shattered.

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